Add-in Express

Add-in Express is the product line and trademark of Add-in Express Ltd. is a privately held company located in Homel, Belarus. Established in 1998, Add-in Express is the pioneer of tools and solutions in the Microsoft Office integration industry. It provides a number of programming toolkits for Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express developers that allow extending the above mentioned applications with custom functionality.

The distinctive feature of all Add-in Express products is a component-centric programming model and a set of visual designers and components that enable developers to create all types of customizations (COM add-ins, smart tags, Excel real-time data servers (RTD servers), Excel Automation Add-ins and Excel user defined functions (UDFs) in a RAD way without coding their graphical user interface (GUI), in that way lessening programming efforts in automation of MS Office objects and handling their events as well as in research, prototyping, and debugging.

Add-in Express Ltd. is Microsoft Visual Studio Industry Partner and CodeGear Technology Partner.



Add-in Express was first released in 2002 as a VCL library for creating COM add-ins in Delphi. It hid all straits of low-level programming by implementing the IDTExtensibility2 interface and provided GUI management including the creation of command bars and command bar controls. At that time Add-in Express supported COM add-ins for five main Microsoft Office applications, namely Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. Later Add-in Express started supporting FrontPage and Project. After Office XP had been published, the Smart Tags and Excel Real-Time Data servers technologies were added to Add-in Express.

In 2004 Add-in Express was redesigned, and its second major version, Add-in Express 2.0, provided the RAD way for creating COM add-ins, smart tags and RTD servers. Also, one more technology, Excel Automation Add-ins, was added as well as the support of MapPoint, Visio and Publisher. Then Add-in Express was ported to .NET. In July, 2006 the VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) edition of Add-in Express was released and Add-in Express became available in three editions: .NET, VSTO, and VCL.

The next generation of Add-in Express, Add-in Express 2007 was released in December, 2006. Add-in Express 2007 completely supported Microsoft Office 2007, including the customization of the Ribbon user interface (UI), the Quick Access Toolbar and the Office Menu. Around the same time, the Add-in Express Extensions for Microsoft Outlook was released. This plug-in included in the Add-in Express for Office packages allows customizing Microsoft Outlook forms and folder views in all Outlook versions from 2000 to 2007, later on it was renamed into Advanced Form and View Regions for Outlook. In November, 2007 the Advanced Task Panes for Microsoft Excel were implemented.

At the beginning of 2008 two more Add-in Express products appeared on the development components market: Add-in Express for Internet Explorer designed for creating Internet Explorer add-ons; and Add-in Express for Outlook Express purposed for developing Outlook Express extensions.

The next generation of the Add-in Express tools, generation 2009 was released in May, 2009. The most prominent features of that release were: Advanced Task Panes for Microsoft Word, Advanced Task Panes for Microsoft PowerPoint, and support for Delphi Prism 2009.

In January 2010, the first tool of Generation 2010 was released. This is Add-in Express 2010 for Internet Explorer, which completely supports Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, add-ons for IE 7 and IE8 (32-bit and 64-bit).

Supported extension types

Add-in Express product line

Add-in Express for Microsoft Office and .net

Add-in Express for Microsoft Office and .net is the comprehensive toolkit for developing any types of Microsoft Office extensibility projects. Using its visual designers, wizards and components developers can create version-neutral, secure, isolated, deployable and automatically updatable Microsoft Office 2000–2010 extensions with their own toolbars, menus and ribbons. Add-in Express integrates applied code with all applications from the Microsoft Office family including Outlook, Word, Excel, Visio, Access, PowerPoint, MapPoint, FrontPage, InfoPath, Project and Publisher.

Add-in Express for Microsoft Office and .net works on the most popular IDEs available for .NET Framework 1.1 and higher, including Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. It directly supports Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#, Visual C++ and Delphi Prism 2011. All Office versions, from 2000 to Office 2010 32-bit and 64-bit, and all Office suites, from Student to Enterprise, are supported transparently.

Add-in Express for Microsoft Office and VCL

Add-in Express for Microsoft Office and VCL allows creating Office COM add-ins, smart tags, real-time data servers and user-defined functions in Delphi 5 – 2010 with minimal coding. Add-in Express for VCL gives developers components to integrate their applied code with all applications from the Microsoft Office family including Outlook, Word, Excel, Visio, Access, PowerPoint, MapPoint, FrontPage, InfoPath, Project and Publisher.

All available Office versions, from 2000 to 2007 (plus Office 2010 32-bit), and Office suites, from Student to Enterprise, are supported. Add-in Express VCL is developed in Delphi and directly supports Delphi 5 - XE as well as Turbo Delphi Professional.

Add-in Express for Internet Explorer and Microsoft .net

Add-in Express for Internet Explorer and Microsoft .net is the visual tool for developing Internet Explorer add-ons, customizing its GUI and accessing IE objects and events. With Add-in Express for Internet Explorer programmers can create thread-safe, secure, isolated, deployable and context-sensitive add-ons for Internet Explorer 6, IE 7 (32- and 64 bit) and IE 8 (32- and 64 bit). Add-in Express completely supports the Internet Explorer extensibility API and integrates all IE extensibility features in one solution with a strong architecture and a clear interaction model with Internet Explorer objects.

Add-in Express is written in C#, and directly supports Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010; VB.NET, C#, C++ and Delphi Prism 2009 - XE.

Outlook Security Manager

Outlook Security Manager (full name Security Manager for Microsoft Outlook) is a one-line programming tool to disable Microsoft Outlook Security pop-up warnings in add-ins and applications that automate Microsoft Outlook.

See also

External links